Lessons from my children…they have taught me much!

Posted in Uncategorized by DrMikePosey on May 26, 2011

I admit it.  I’m in a unique position.  Well at least to me it’s unique.  With 4 children of my own, and a step-son of differing ages, I have a front-row seat to life and a front-row seat to many lessons learned!  Yep.  I said it…I learn so much from my kids.   They are amazing teachers!  In the past couple of months I have had my oldest child complete his first year of college while my youngest child was just born!

On the one end of the spectrum, my oldest son Brandon completed his first year of college with flying colors.  He’s majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics and, although his courses were grueling, he stuck it out, had the discipline he needed, and sacrificed to complete his first year with a phenomenal grade-point average.   I see in my son, patience, discipline, and the wherewithal to see something through.  I admire him for that and am reminded every day of how important those traits are in a person.

My youngest daughter, Piper was just born and is such a joy for all of our family.  As a baby, she sees everything with a smile and wide eyes.  She takes it all in and tries to make sense of it all.  You can see it in her amazing little expressions…you can hear it in her coos and vocal sounds.  She represents what we all love …the innocence of life…the wonderment of our world.   That untainted wonderment and excitement about life and all that it has to offer is a side of us that we all should relish and be one with from time to time.

These two milestones this year have changed me in ways that I cannot possibly describe. I am truly blessed.   My  son, Zack is a senior in high school this year and is plotting his way in the world after school…his faith and his convictions lead him and I admire him for that.  My daughter Meg is just beginning her high school career and is such a talented actress and twirler that I see in her how to follow your passions in life and do the things you love.  My step-son Adrian is busy taking in all that pre-school has to offer and his ability to see spatial concepts reminds me to periodically stop and take a look around and see how things fit together and what they mean.

In life, there will be turmoil and there will be hurt and pain.  Looking through the eyes of children can ofttimes see us through and give us perspective.  My life has had its share of stormy weather and  with people throwing negatives but with the strength and insight my children have given me, I’ve been truly blessed to be able to move through the clouds of yesteryear and be in the spot I’m in now.  It’s a spot I relish and one for which I am truly thankful.

I love you kids!  Thanks for teaching me the right stuff!